18:00 – 20:00
As a prelude to the exhibition “On Core / Encore”
from 11 October 2015 to 10 January 2016 at the Fondation

Raphael Hefti, “Quick Fix Remix”, 2015 Railway thermit welding. Performance at “In Favour of a Total Eclipse”, Volcano Extravaganza 2015, Stromboli. Commissioned by Fiorucci Art Trust
For the next few days, sand dunes in front of the Atelier Les Forges in Arles are serving as an improvised foundry – an outdoor thermit-welding studio that is exceptionally open to the public on Thursday 8 October from 6pm to 8pm.
In Quick Fix Remix, Raphael Hefti continuously pours molten metal into channels cut into the sand, where it cools and solidifies into slender pieces of metal reminiscent of Giacometti sculptures or charred twigs.
The artist will use certain of these residual pieces of metal to create one of the installations at his solo show « On Core / Encore » at the Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles, which opens to the public on Sunday 11 October 2015 (admission is free all day on Sunday 11 October).
An aperitif will be served during the performance.
Performance presented at the invitation of LUMA ARLES